Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone looking to SELL MORE ACCESSORIES!

Sales Classic Soft Trim Sales Classic Soft Trim

Selling Accessories to Enthusiasts vs Non-Enthusiasts

The accessorizers are broken into two categories: enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts. SEMA compares types of vehicles they drive, population distribution, age, and more. But SEMA’s reports don’t cover how you sell differently to each group.

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Sales Classic Soft Trim Sales Classic Soft Trim

How Do You Sell Accessories?

This isn’t a trick question or the intro to Sales 101. It’s a legitimate query, and for dealers, having a legitimate answer can be the key to opening up a whole new profit center in their dealerships.

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Sales Classic Soft Trim Sales Classic Soft Trim

A Surprise Benefit to Selling Accessories

Many dealerships would agree, the most obvious benefit to selling accessories is the profit potential. You might even be able to picture the added OEM bonus money if you believe accessory sales will help you hit those goals.

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Sales Classic Soft Trim Sales Classic Soft Trim

The Recipe for Accessory Sales Success

Every successful dealership embraces the basic selling techniques and processes to sell cars. The better you follow them, the more you will experience higher closing ratios, gross profit, and CSI scores.

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Sales Classic Soft Trim Sales Classic Soft Trim

What’s Missing From Your Repeat/Referral Business Strategy?

Every dealership I’ve visited has a strategy for repeat and referral business. The most typical strategies include emails and postcards for service appointments, general check-ups on how the new vehicle is doing, and purchasing a new vehicle all together.

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